+Natural Leather +Resistance


The Cuoio di Toscana brand typifies the pursuit of excellence of Consorzio Vero Cuoio Italiano, with its principal objective being the spread of a more knowledgeable culture in relation to sole leather.

Astringent extracts

Saviotan Leather astringent extracts are used mainly in slow and in bath tanning processes, but also in rapid tanning. The chemical characteristics are such that it makes the leather harder wearing, makes it more waterproof and at the same improves its ability to breath so that the sole is able to permit air exchange between the inside and the outside.

A – liquid and powder
The tannin of the tradition

AC – liquid
More highly concentrated active principle

AS – liquid and powder
Slightly pH modified active principle

ASV – liquid
A very clear tannin

Sweetened extracts

Sweetened Saviotan Leather extracts are pH modified, with higher pH than the astringent extracts, to allow the tannins to penetrate already tanned and treated skin and transfer their characteristics to the finished product. These are hydrolysable extracts, as well as the astringent extracts, ensuring the leather is subject to cleaner processing and more delicate tanning.

R – liquid
For bonded leather

RT – liquid
For very dark but flexible leather

RS – liquid and powder
The sweetened product of the tradition


The soles of the shoes, as well as the heels, require traditional method slow tanning, with the use of astringent chestnut tannin extracts. Saviotan Leather, through the leather tanning process, produces very high quality and highly resistant leather.
Belt leather requires special qualities that the sweetened extracts of Saviotan Leather can provide.



